Can I Have a Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift Together?

Guerra Plastic Surgery Center
4 min readNov 24, 2021


Can a tummy tuck and breast surgery be performed at the same time? The answer is YES! Two plastic surgery procedures often combined into one operation are breast augmentation and tummy tuck. This combination is sometimes referred to as a “mommy makeover.”

The term “Mommy Makeover” is an excellent way to describe a series of operations designed to correct changes in the breast and abdomen following pregnancy. Additionally, the Mommy Makeover may incorporate upgrades to those regions that were not there before pregnancy. As is expected in plastic surgery, the specific procedures are tailored to the patient’s unique demands.

For practical reasons, it is more cost-effective to do tummy tucks and breast augmentation all at once rather than spread them out over time. Both treatments being done at the same time allows you to save two weeks on recuperation time by combining them into one.

Reverse your body changes of pregnancy and nursing

The breasts undergo major alterations during pregnancy. The glandular tissue expands and stretches the skin during pregnancy. Once the pregnancy is over, the glandular tissue shrinks dramatically, perhaps to a point considerably below what it was previously. The result is you’ll have a saggy, deflated bust.

Pregnancy alters the abdomen in significant ways, as you might expect. Pregnancy causes extensive skin and muscle stretching. The two muscles that run vertically down the middle of the abdomen stretch and split to accommodate the growing uterus. When a woman gives birth, the muscles around her abdomen tend to separate, which causes her to lose its flatness and sometimes develop a noticeable bulge.

When it’s not possible to address the effects of pregnancy and breastfeeding with diet and exercise, combining breast augmentation with a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can be an ideal solution. Despite being in good health and looking fit after having children, many mothers still have physical evidence of their pregnancies and nursing experiences in the breast and abdominal regions.

When breasts flatten or “deflate” as a result of nursing, saline or silicone implants are used to restore form and volume. Tummy tucks fix weakened or torn abdominal muscles while also removing excess skin and fat. During a tummy tuck, liposuction is utilized to sculpt and contour the stomach. Combining breast augmentation with liposuction yields bigger, fuller breasts as well as a flatter, firmer midsection.

Does a mommy makeover suit everyone?

The results of a mommy makeover surgery can vary from patient to patient. You should do it for yourself, not to please others or conform to a preconceived notion of what you should look like.

To qualify for a mommy makeover, patients must be at least 25 pounds overweight and in otherwise good health. Because smoking and vaping might slow the healing process, your surgeon may advise you to cease two weeks before surgery and three weeks following if you smoke.

If you plan to have a kid soon, wait at least six months before scheduling this operation. Refrain from having children for at least six months following your surgery to ensure that you do not reverse the effects. This aids your surgeon in determining the baseline appearance of your body.

Make sure you and your cosmetic surgeon are on the same page regarding your present health so that issues can be avoided at the initial consultation.

What’s included in a mommy makeover?

In one procedure, Guerra Plastic Surgery Center performs a mommy makeover that includes an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) as well as breast augmentation with implants and a lift (mastopexy). A tummy tuck and breast reduction are both options in a mommy makeover.

Some patients chose to have their surgery divided into two sessions to reduce their overall recovery time. On the other hand, a proper mommy makeover is achieved by completing all of the surgery at once. Each mommy makeover operation is distinctive and based on your personal wants and needs.

Mommy Makeover Recovery

Recovery information for mommy makeovers will vary according to the options selected and the number of operations performed. The first recovery time following a mommy makeover is usually between 2 and 6 weeks, but your body will continue to heal for several months beyond that time.

The length of your recovery will be determined by whether or not you have a belly tuck. As a result of the procedure’s invasiveness, a 4- to 6-week initial recuperation time is required. If you’re a parent of young children, you should make arrangements for childcare while you’re recovering since you won’t be able to perform any heavy lifting or other difficult tasks because you’ll need to relax.

Once you’ve made a decision about your treatment, we will provide you with specific information on what to expect throughout your recovery. Wound care instructions, medication usage, and follow-up visits will be given to you after surgery.

Schedule a consolation

Having a child transforms your life by bringing pleasure and love. However, it might affect your youthful appearance as well. You could have a revitalized appearance following pregnancy and childbirth with a mommy makeover at Guerra Plastic Surgery Center. Call us at (480) 630–9780 or make an appointment to visit us in Scottsdale for a consultation.

Your first appointment will be with Dr. Aldo Guerra to go through your body-image problems and the cosmetic surgery procedures you might be interested in. He will help you in reaching your body goals and may develop a personalized makeover plan for you.

Additionally, you will address any medical issues that may influence your operation, such as the drugs you are currently using. In some cases, you may be requested to discontinue taking a particular medicine for a few weeks before surgery. Additionally, smokers will be urged to abstain from smoking for one month before and after the surgery, as smoking’s effects impede recovery.

You are welcome to ask as many questions as you like regarding the operation, the post-operative recovery time, or any other aspect of the mommy makeover treatment.



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