FAQs About “Drop and Fluff” After Breast Augmentation
If you recently had breast augmentation surgery, chances are you’re curious about the upcoming drop and fluff process — an essential step that allows your body to heal properly and reveal your final look. To help explain this crucial part of recovery, here is a breakdown put together by our experienced professionals in breast enhancement surgery.
Why Do Implants Drop and Fluff?
“Dropping” and “fluffing” is the process of your breast implants settling into place after breast augmentation in Scottsdale. Following your procedure, your implants might appear to be “riding high” on your chest and may look flatter or square-like in shape. These are normal occurrences resulting from tightened skin and muscle tissue, which will resolve gradually as your implants drop and fluff over the coming weeks.
As you recover from your implant surgery, the tightness of your muscles will subside and lead to a more natural-looking chest. Your implants will drop into place for improved comfort, as well as fill out any hollow areas to provide a rounded outcome.
How Do Breast Implants Drop and Fluff?
The process involves the drop of the implant pocket and the softening of the implant edges to create a more natural look. Drop and fluff helps create a more realistic look post-surgery that closely resembles natural breasts. It should be noted, however, that the drop and fluff process does not necessarily mean your implants are sagging, but rather that the implant has settled into a more natural breast shape. Ultimately, drop and fluff is a critical part of the breast augmentation recovery process, as it helps achieve a more natural-looking result.
How Long Does It Take for Implants to Drop and Fluff?
The drop and fluff of implants take several months to complete, though it varies depending on factors such as the type of implant and individual body healing processes. Generally speaking, drop and fluff begins within 3 to 4 weeks after surgery and can take up to 6 months for full completion, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Is the Process Uncomfortable?
During drop and fluff, patients may experience mild discomfort, which should subside once the process is complete.
Closely monitoring your breast implants as they drop and fluff is essential for optimal results post-surgery. The drop and fluff process can take longer or shorter than anticipated due to many factors, so it’s imperative to communicate any changes with your Scottsdale plastic surgeon during follow-up appointments. If you have any concerns about dropping and fluffing during or after surgery, ensure to reach out to your surgeon right away. Proper care and communication between you and your doctor is, after all, an important factor in achieving natural-looking breast augmentation results.
Do Breast Implants Get Bigger During the Drop and Fluff Process?
While dropping and fluffing, it is common for the size of your breast implants to appear larger than before, but this does not mean they are bigger or increasing in size. The drop and fluff process creates a lower pocket for the implant, giving an illusion of greater fullness while improving projection. Wearing push-up bras or using other methods to create extra volume at the top of each breast can further enhance this visual change. Simply put, when breast implants drop and fluff, the actual size of your breasts will not change. Rather, they are settling into place.
Is It Possible to Make Implants Drop Faster?
One of the most common questions among breast augmentation patients is how to make their implants drop faster. As mentioned earlier, the drop and fluff process can happen within weeks or months after implant placement. If you want your implants to drop and fluff within your doctor’s expected timeline, there are certain steps you can take.
It’s important to follow all of your plastic surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care, including:
- Wearing recommended garments, such as compression bandages or bras, to provide adequate support to your chest and encourage proper healing
- Using massage techniques recommended by your doctor to help drop and fluff your breast implants within the appropriate timeline
- Avoiding strenuous physical activity until your plastic surgeon gives you the green light to resume your normal routine
- Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption
- Ceasing tobacco use, as smoking distorts your immune system, delays healing, and can cause complications
- Attending your scheduled follow-up appointments
Patience is key when waiting for drop and fluff to occur; there is no way to force or speed up this natural process. As long as you practice proper post-operative care and follow your surgeon’s recommendations, rest assured you will enjoy your new look in due time.
Why Is the Drop and Fluff Process Taking Too Long?
A factor that may affect drop and fluff is the breast implant size you choose. Larger implants can take longer to drop, as the larger size increases resistance during the drop and fluff process. Talk to your surgeon about choosing a size that fits with your desired aesthetic while also considering drop and fluff timeframes if it’s important to you.
What if Your Breast Implants Don’t Drop?
If you have been waiting around for your implants to move into their final position, it’s understandable if this longer-than-expected timeline has caused some concern. A number of possible causes might explain the delayed settling process.
For instance, smaller and lighter implants may take longer than larger and heavier implants to drop. Heavier implants have an edge over their lighter counterparts, as the extra weight helps them drop and fluff faster than smaller implants do. Textured implants may also take longer due to the friction against adjacent tissue. Therefore, if you are looking for fast results in terms of shape contouring, smooth-surfaced implants may be your best bet.
If your implants do not appear to be dropping and fluffing or if you are experiencing any problems such as unusual pain, swelling, or bleeding that does not subside or is becoming worse, do not hesitate to call your surgeon to rule out the possibility of complications.
About Guerra Plastic Surgery Center
With over 15 years of experience and a sterling track record, Dr. Aldo Guerra, a RealSelf Top 100 Doctor and Phoenix Magazine’s Top Doctors for 2020, is one of the best breast augmentation surgeons in Scottsdale. If you are ready for life-changing results, call 480–970–2580 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Guerra.